Background info: This entertaining blog was created by a group of pretty terrific women, including the refreshingly funny sister-in-law (Lisa) to Stephanie (Nie Nie Dialogues) and Courtney (cjane)...big favorites of mine, as those who read my blog regularly are already aware. Coincidentally, another founder and regular contributor to Light Refreshments Served is Emily Watts. She is the first editor I worked with at Deseret Book when I wrote "At the End of Your Rope, There's Hope." A very funny lady herself, Emily was an encouraging mentor for me who sort of championed my book all the way to publication.
So, many thanks to Light Refreshments Served for an assignment that means a lot to me in light of my good friends who have had recent bouts with breast cancer and have come (or are coming) through the experience with much grace and courage. I dedicate this post to them.
Cool that you are now guest posting!