Wednesday, August 13, 2008

The grandkids have landed!

As you can see, I haven't blogged since Sunday. What that means is that my grandchildren have arrived, and we are busy with the usual assortment of Legos, Star Wars figures, puzzles, cars, blocks and every other kind of toy known to man strewn all over the house. It's definitely grandparent heaven over here.

With that explanation, I will sign off for a couple of days until I no longer have my very enticing grandchildren in my home to keep me busy and entertained! 



  1. I'm so jealous that all you guys are hanging out. I wish I were there!

  2. Sounds busy and fun. Tonight is Jordan and friends heaven over here. He suddenly has this huge group of friends that hang over here most every night taking over the downstairs. :) Tonight they are having the first going away party for the first friend leaving for college. They are currently making homemade pizza in my kitchen and playing guitars and singing along. Fast times at the Blake house. I am enjoying it as it will soon be over.
