Monday, August 18, 2008

The birds have flown the nest again

Well, it's over. 

The grandchildren and grown children have gone home. The house is all picked up; the crib and youth bed are put away; the candles and curios (no longer threatened by pudgy hands and sticky fingers) have returned to my coffee and end tables. Order is restored; peace and quiet reigns.

Lovely, right? 

Nope. Lonely.

I am missing them! 

Thankfully, they will be back for Thanksgiving...  =)


  1. My parents beach house is near Lincoln city. It is in the Gleneden beach area. It is super nice but is a colder beach to hang at as opposed to Southern cali beaches. Its really beautiful there. Sorry you are an empty nester again:)

  2. Thanks for the memories we all had such a wonderful time. I remember my grandparents home having a magical feel to it when I was younger and I think my kids feel the same way about your home. Sorry for the messes we left :) We LOVE and miss you!

  3. Hooray for Thanksgiving! I can't wait!

  4. Neither can we! And I've already got the circle time!! =)
