Friday, November 9, 2012

Y Can't We Just Get Along?

From what I've heard, read and experienced, this election brought some disturbance in the force for many people in our country––creating large and small tremors among blog pals, other friends, and even family members. This poem, which is not really directed at any one person, is meant to be sort of a universal outcry. Still, I will say that it was written from my paradigm and did spring from a couple of interactions that troubled me.

Y Can't We Just Get Along?
(written for Alphabe-Thursday, the letter Y)

©2012 Susan Noyes Anderson

Why can't we just get along?
Can't our friendship still be strong
even when we disagree?
Why ya gotta wail on me?

Couldn't we just let things ride,
honor one another's side,
respect the liberty to choose
and tolerate each other's views?

Am I so wrong; are you so right?
Is every question black and white?
The "facts" aren't always what they seem;
most truth lies somewhere in between.

So here's a thought: Let's both stand tall
for our convictions, one and all.
To our own selves, let us be true.
(Romney, me; Obama, you.)

The die is cast; the deed is done.
You're super glad Obama won.
I'm super sad that Romney lost.
Must good relations be the cost?

Can't you lean left...Can't I lean right
without a friendship-ending fight?
The truth is, only time will tell
if our votes served this country well.

Both of us guessed the best we could.
Both of us thought our guess was good.
Now let's employ some common sense,
and let go of our arrogance.

The one thing sure to doom us all
is this: the mind too closed and small
to listen, learn, or compromise...
to see through someone else's eyes.

So let's be friends, friend. You and me.
It starts with us, and maybe we
can be the start of something grand
across our now-divided land.

We're still Americans. Speak up,
discussion fills our nation's cup.
But don't forget humility.
The future is no one's to see.

We all just guess the best we can.
There is no magic answer man.

for more Y posts, click below


Grandma Honey said...

You said it perfectly.

21 Wits said...


Gail said...

Simply put...WOW!

yaya said...

Great poem...good thoughts...better feelings...most of all...big hopes that this country will improve, survive and thrive. We can do it..but it must be together. I was hoping for a different outcome also, but I will always be ready to move forward and do my best to improve my own backyard first, then help my neighbor.

Pondside said...

One of the things that makes your country and mine exceptional in this troubled world is the ability for their people to get along - to make compromises, see other viewpoints, give and take. I was troubled by what I saw and heard after your election but quiet and measured voices like yours renew my hope for your great country.

karen said...

Well said, and I wholeheartedly agree. I just get super defensive at the derisive comments made ON BOTH SIDES. Obviously I see more of them thrown over to my side of the fence, but I have no doubt it works both ways. I don't understand why people can't simply disagree without disgusting and hateful language, name calling and mean gloating. I have many friends I simply can't talk politics with because there is no point. But we love each other dearly, and that is the point of everything.

Amy said...

Amen! I am so glad the election is over, so happy to not have to talk politics all the time. I read earlier this week on the Diapers and Divinity blog a quote from Barbra Bush which I think is absolutely beautiful; “Your success as a family … our success as a society depends not on what happens in the White House, but on what happens inside your house.” People, I think, need to stop looking to DC to fix their problems, and instead look within themselves to find solutions. And to be more tolerant! Very well put, Sue, as always.

Brian Miller said...

i think there is a wonderful message in this...i think it is time we move on...nothing we say at this point will change the results, whether you agree with it or not...and its bigger than one issue...what we need is our leaders to come together and find a way forward instead of continuing to man the trenches they have dug...and we need to do the same...we are greater than our differences...and in the end regardless of our labels we are human...and not that much different from each other...

Noodle said...

Well said, Sue! My hope springs eternal. :)

Darlene said...

It is what it is. That is my favorite phrase these days. It seems to fit my feelings perfectly. We all just need to work together to try to make America strong again. That might take many years and I probably won't be here. At any rate, I thought your poem hit it right on the nail. We have people in our own family who are probably excited that Obama won, but I don't love them any less.(they may be misguided but I still love them lots and I know you do too). Another good one, Sue.

~✽Mumsy✽~ said...

Fantastic poem, Sue!

Are you disappointed with the election result? I sure was with the percentage according to race!

EG CameraGirl said...

I think you are right that it's time to put the gloves down now, time to work together. Unfortunately, I feel the political parties have created the chasm between the two sides. We in Canada - observing from the outside - are very concerned that many Americans have become too polarized. We want you to please, please, PLEASE try to get along and NOT be the Divided States of America. :)

Shady Del Knight said...

Hi, Sue! I am reminded of Donny & Marie singing their signature duet:

I'm a little bit country
And I'm a little bit rock 'n roll
I don't know if it's good or bad
But I know I love it so

I noticed your reference to my comment on our mutual friend's blog. She's a little bit Fox News. I'm a little bit MSNBC. Months ago she and I made the powerful decision to become friends and stay friends regardless of our religious and political views. We chose to reach across the aisle and seek common ground. We have discovered that we have vastly more similarities than differences. We have enriched each other's lives. I honestly care about her and care about preserving our friendship in the aftermath of a bitterly divisive election. As far as I can tell our friendship remains intact. The experiment is working. If it can work on this small scale, one on one, it can work on a grand scale.

I invite each and every person who commented on this post to do what I and out mutual friend have done. Forgo the comfort that comes from hanging out exclusively with friends and family who agree with your position. Get out there and make friends with a total stranger who seems your polar opposite. Do so not with the intention of recruiting them over to your camp but rather in a sincere effort to identify all the ways you can enjoy each other, learn from each other and bond. When you stretch yourself, when you put yourself out there, you enter breakthrough territory and miracles happen.

I consider all of you to be my friends and I invite you to follow our example. Get in touch with your greatness. Strive for unity on every level. Embrace those who have a different vision for America and realize that they love their country just as much as you.

I knew a man that I did not care for
And then one day this man gave me a call
We sat and talked about things on our mind
And now this man he is a friend of mine
Reach out in the darkness
And you may find a friend

Thank you, dear Sue, and have a wonderful weekend!

Unknown said...


Facebook was full of comments from both sides. Was so thankful when elections happened, as I hoped it meant the meanness on Facebook would come to an end.

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful poem ~ if we could get the 'egos' out of the way in the world ~ then we might have peace ~ individuals don't agree to disagree ~ 'right is not might' ~ So glad to read this poem ~ very creative ~ (A Creative Harbor) ^_^

Ingrid said...

That's something which would never happen here, fights about votes or politicians ! That doesn't influence friendships or neighbors or whoever. Nice poeme !

Leovi said...

Excellent poem, of course we'll get along.

LeAnn said...

You just so amaze me. This was an awesome piece of poetry and rings so true. I am so happy the election is over. I am sad that Romney lost; but we need to stand tall for America.

BECKY said...

So well put! And it was written so sweetly, ya know? I'm sincerely sorry if politics is harming one of your friendships. We do just need to "let go" and "agree to disagree." Hugs to you, Sue!

Splendid Little Stars said...

Many people, it seems, are now mending fences.

Lola said...

Nobody could have put it better!

Great post - and blog!

Katie said...

Great poem Sue!

Grandma Yellow Hair said...

You always know the right words to share with us.
I too wish we could all get along together.
I mentioned being depressed about the election and lost several followers. I hate that I upset anyone but you know me I write my feelings.

Esther Joy said...

I love your line "Can't you lean left...Can't I lean right
without a friendship-ending fight?" Good suggestion!

momto8 said...

I am still in the middle of it and the election is over.

Jenny said...





You perfectly expressed the way I felt about that whole mess.

The way things are scares me sometimes.

I remind myself that perhaps every generation has felt this fear.

Thanks for sharing more of Your lovely and powerful writing Miss Sue.
