Thursday, September 9, 2010

A Vigil in Violet

Violet is the color of his true love's eyes.

©1992 Susan Noyes Anderson, Infinity Limited

I speak to you of love
but words are vain,
like music played so oft'
it loses charm.
Written, recited, sung,
words they remain;
words only, with no power
to bless or harm.

But I must speak them
or I live a lie,
and I will watch your eyes
as you reply.


  1. Hi Sue,

    Thanks for the visit and sorry if the falling leaves made you jump. I loved the poem. Great job! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Love the poem Sue, lovely. "watch your eyes, as you reply" - beautiful line. Kat

  3. This was beautiful Sue. Hauntingly so.

  4. oh, powerful. Sue, this was truly great! My new favorite on the journey through violet!

  5. Beautiful poem. Hugs

  6. what a mesmerizing prose..."but words are vain".

  7. Sometimes words seem to cause a great deal of harm, though. I loved this poem.

    At 65, I've done it! My poetry book - Life's Journey by Carmen Henesy - is out on Amazon! ( Poems about the things that have been important to me in my
    journey through life - some humorous, some sad, some that may have meaning to you as well )

    Check out the reviews at my Amazon site to see what others thought of my book!

  8. Wow. "But words are vain" so true. I dont normally like poems, but this is pretty neat. Great job.

  9. They really are mirros of the truth of who we are!

  10. Again you touch my heart with your talent of poetry. I loved reading that today. Blessings to you! LeAnn

  11. oh Sue ... you are so wonderfully talented ... i completely enjoyed this poem and it left me thinking ...

  12. You have such a gift, my friend. Someday I hope to meet you in real life and pick your brain. I bet you've got some interesting stuff in there.

  13. I loved this poem- especially 'I will watch your eyes as you reply' I love it when Schroe looks me in the eyes when I'm talking- especially the important stuff

  14. Eyes like that freak me out a little.
    But the poem was outstanding!!

  15. Violet is my favorite color. How fun to read a poem about it. I love how you write.

  16. That. Was. Breathtaking. I mean it. I think it's my favorite poem you've written. Very intense and darkly romantic. You've got some deepness to your soul, sister! And to pair it with "Sad Lisa" /Cat Stevens... it made me shiver.

  17. 'and I will watch your eyes as you reply' utterly romantic.

  18. Hi Sue,
    Lovely poem. 1992... hmmm You have been busy writing poetry for quite som time!
    Thank you for visitng my Violet Parr-post!
    Best wishes,
    For the benefit of other readers:
    Anna's Rainbow Violet

    You may be interested in reading a poem that I wrote for ABCWed.-H:
    Anna's H-word-abcWed

  19. Thoughtful poem! The eyes really are windows on the soul. It takes practice to lie and not reveal it in the eyes.

  20. Love the poem. What's not to love? You still manage to amaze me, even after all these years,and yes, you wrote the poem some time ago, but it certainly went well with the color violet!

  21. To comment on Jen's comment: I do wish you could meet Sue in person some day. As for picking her brain, I have been trying to do it ever since she learned to talk. And yes, there are some amazing things in there!! I am not just bragging on an unusually intelligent child/girl/woman, who just happens to be my daughter. But, honestly, Sue is a true wonder. She never had to study very hard all the way through grade school, junior and high school, university or grad school. Everything just came so easy for her. Her teachers had to struggle to keep her mind satisfied and occupied. She skipped two grades so they didn't want to accelerate her any more than this. What can I say? I don't even have a clue how I happened to have this genius. (She is probably going to give me what for after she reads this, but hey, I can take it.)

  22. Mom! You promised to behave on here...!!


  23. This one is great too, but I like today's more. The girl's reply is so very teenage girl. ;)

  24. Wonderful poem :) Wow, violet colored eyes...very mesmerizing and yet very haunting to look at.

  25. Wow. The whole time I was humming that old folk song..."black is the color of my true loves hair". It made a great soundtrack to this amazing poem.

    That picture is so ethereal and haunting.

    Thanks for linking to Rainbow Summer School.

    I am always intriqued by what you come up with!

