Thursday, May 13, 2010

Beauty, Duty, and a Cutie

Forgot to show my Mother's Day flowers, even though they don't come out quite as well in a photo as they do in person. The two-toned roses look especially pretty against the star-gazer lilies, and the fragrance is taking me all the way to Hawaii on a daily basis. (Rumor has it that I'm somewhat allergic to the potent aroma of these lilies, but it's worth it.) Sneezing is fun, right?

Oh, what a wonder is a sneeze.
You take in air and blow out breeze,
accompanied by gentle rain.
Or you can blow a hurricane.
Gale force winds and cloud formation …
personal precipitation!

And on another front (heehee), I've dedicated this entire day to finishing my talk for Texas. Having put a good dent in it yesterday, I think the goal is realistic. Still, I've gathered way too much material and need to let some of it go. This is always a difficult process for me, as I'm not fond of editing in general...especially when every quote, story, poem, and scripture is worth a listen.

So wish me luck today! Luck, and a heart sufficiently stout to cut, cut, cut, and cut again. Just call me Susie Scissorhands.


PS. Excerpt from the original Scissorhands:

Officer Allen: Will he be OK, Doc?

Psychologist: The years spent in isolation have not equipped him with the tools necessary to judge right from wrong. He's had no context. He's been completely without guidance. Furthermore, his work - the garden sculptures, hairstyles and so forth - indicate that he's a highly imaginative... uh... character. It seems clear that his awareness of what we call reality is radically underdeveloped.

Officer Allen: But will he be all right out there?

Psychologist: Oh yeah, he'll be fine.

PPS. And so will I! ;)


  1. What's your talk about? I wish I could come hear you. Here's to cutting, and don't follow my word verification for this comment--dulnes.
    Am I the only one that chuckles a little when that word is almost a word?
    Guess I'm weird that way!

  2. I wish I could come hear too! (Just sitting here waiting for my ride to the airport!) Good luck with the editing. When are you speaking? You probably said, but my brain is a sieve these days...

  3. Ha! Loved your sneezing poem. And I've noticed that flowers are never done justice in photos. Nothing in nature really is. But I guess that is just a token to how amazing it all is. Love your blog!

  4. I wish I lived in Texas, just for your talk--then I'd have to move back to CO because I've lived in TX and the bugs they have there scare the daylights outta me!
    But, I'd go there for you.
    Have fun!

  5. good luck! and purrrty flowers! Definitely worth the sneezes.

  6. Are you comparing yourself to Edward?? :)
    I hope your hurricane doesn't produce it's own precipitation so you can enjoy those lovely flowers!
    Good luck on your talk. I know you will be FABULOUS!!

  7. Comparing myself to Edward? Hey, maybe so...

    I AM a bit of a character, or so they tell me. But I'm definitely not isolated. And I do know right from wrong...not that I always utilize that knowledge.

    Hmmmm. I guess that leaves me with just the scissorhands. Or rather, the need for them. heehee

    (Though I am being unleashed on an unsuspecting group of women in Texas.) That could be a bit more than they bargained for...


  8. Your flowers are beautiful. The sneeze poem is pretty neat. Hugs

  9. Lilies are my favorite flowers. That arrangement is gorgeous, and I love your sneezing poem. Thanks for sharing!

  10. You make me smile. Your flowers are beautiful.
    I loved your sneeze poem. I wish you luck on your speech. You have a great sense of humor and I love reading your blog.

  11. I gave your blog an award, if you want it. :o)

  12. Love the flowers, love the poem (I will recite it when I sneeze from now on! ), and I adore the quote form Edward Scissorhands!

    Good luck with the editing. I know it will be a tough but necessary job.

  13. Hi! Love the poem. I have a friend that I will share it with. Last week at the ballgame she must have sneezed 120 times. No kidding. Allergy season is really bad around here!
    Happy Weekend!

  14. I know your talk will go over very well---your talks always do. I think they are lucky to have you. Just wish you could talk while you are visiting us this month. Still, I agree with you, that wouldn't be the greatest way to spend a short birthday weekend with us.

    Love your flowers. The only sad thing about flowers is that they don't last long enough. As for lillies, I am so deadly alergic to them that whenever I get them in a bouguet I have to have Dick take them out to the garage. At least I like to think the garage is enjoying the frangrance, but secretly, I'm pretty sure he relegates them to the garbage can. Isn't that sad? Especially since I think they are so beautiful.

    We are at Nikki's and I didn't get to read this until today. But better late than never, right?

  15. You'll do great!! Good luck!!
    Love the Edward reference. It was the perfect touch.

  16. I love that movie- hopefully you don't have to cut out too much though. Good luck on your talk!

  17. what a sweet mothers day you had! those star gazer Lillies are one of my favorite flowers. Funny poem you wrote. Good luck with the cutting!
