Friday, August 28, 2009

Too Cool for School

Can't believe how old these two are getting. An almost eight-year-old third grader and our just-turned-five kindergartner...unbelievable!

The little guy (who adores his siblings) will be two in November.

And this dude is getting cooler by the minute!
(Guess who bought him the hat? Yep. G'ma.)

And he's rockin' it.


  1. oh how this makes me want new school shoes!!!

  2. My kids start next Wed. The last first day for my senior girl. I'm not ready for that, but she didn't ask.. :o) Senior year flies so fast, but i guess they all do!!

  3. It seems like just yesterday that we were sending OUR kids off to school, doesn't it? I still remember the excitement of new school clothes and supplies. Love the hat you bought him, G'ma.

    And I have to shout out to Karen Sue, who commented above me. MY middle name is Sue, too. What are the odds??

  4. Only the coolest accessories are reserved for the first day of school. You must be one hip Grandma!

  5. What gorgeous children...and stylin as well! Super cool g'ma!
